Where am I now?

I'm in Melbourne, that's the short answer! I was born and bred in Auckland, New Zealand, and I made the decision a few months ago to move across the ditch and give Melbourne a shot. I hadn't visited before, I just decided to take everyone's word for it that it's a great place to live. So far, it hasn't been too bad at all. Some of the highlights would have to be seeing the penguins at St. Kilda, the colourful bath houses along Brighton Beach, all the shopping and some amazing sunsets on the Yarra River.

Melbourne isn't really the kind of place where Kiwis typically decide to holiday, it sort of strikes me as a cool place to live, but not really a tourist destination. So before I came here there wasn't really a list of things I'd been dying to do in Melbourne. I came with not much of a plan, other than explore the sights, eat the great food, do all the shopping, and just in general appreciate the city.

I'll be here for a little while, or a long while, there's no grand plan just yet. Stick around and I'll show you some of my adventures!